This web site was designed to be viewed at a minimum screen resolution of 800x600 pixels and in 256 colours..
We are aware that some users use a different screen resolution, and as a result, some of our web pages may not look great.
There are a number of factors that influence the "size" of the page on your screen. The easiest to adjust is the Font setting of your browser.
In Internet Explorer (version 4) Select the Font option from the View menu and then play with the options (larger, medium, smaller, etc) to suit your taste.
In Netscape Communicator (version 4) Select the Decrease Font, or Decrease Font option from the View menu to adjust the "size" of the pages that you view.
If the graphics system of your machine cannot display 256 (or more) colours, the graphics on our pages will look VERY crummy. Apologies. Maybe it's time for an upgrade :)