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Absa Africa Equity Fund A USD
Absa Africa Equity Fund A USD
Sanlam Universal Funds Plc
Absa Africa Equity Fund A USD
Sector: Africa-Equity-General
Size: -
Sector Rank: 2 out of 2
(lump sum over 3 years to 30 Jun 2023)
Overall Rank: 413 out of 419
(lump sum over 3 years to 30 Jun 2023)
R20000 invested on 30 Jun 2020 was worth R17 169 at 30 Jun 2023
((4.96)% annual compound return)
R5000 per month since 30 Jun 2020 was worth R164 219 at 30 Jun 2023
((6.03)% annual return compounded monthly)
Please note that offshore fund performance figures are calculated from NAV prices (ie, equivalent to sell-to-sell) and therefore not directly comparable to domestic fund performance figures on this site.
Godfrey Mwanza, BSc. Economics (Hons), CFA
Godfrey has 9 years’ experience working in African capital markets. He began his career in corporate finance in Zambia where he played a key role in pioneering corporate transactions in that country, following which he helped start-up Enko Capital, a multi-strategy Africa-focused hedge fund based in Johannesburg. Godfrey joined Absa Asset Management in April 2014 from African Alliance where he was a portfolio manager on the Africa (ex-South Africa) equities fund. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science and is a CFA® charter holder.
Focus and Objective
The Investment Manager looks to invest across a range of different classes. These asset class weightings will be determined by consideration of the performance and investment objectives of the Fund, and the Investment Manager's views of the expected risk and return of each asset class.
Technical Overview
Base currency: USD Formation date: 14 Nov 2016

Site Last Updated: 10 March 2025
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