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Anchor Global Stable Fund
Anchor Global Stable Fund
Sanlam Universal Funds Plc
Anchor Global Stable Fund
Sectorial Portfolio Structure(Semi-Annual Comparison)
Sector: Global-Asset Allocation-Prudential
Size: (USD) 20 930 000
Sector Rank: 14 out of 40
(lump sum over 3 years to 28 Feb 2025)
Overall Rank: 295 out of 486
(lump sum over 3 years to 28 Feb 2025)
R20000 invested on 28 Feb 2022 was worth R25 872 at 28 Feb 2025
(8.96% annual compound return)
R5000 per month since 28 Feb 2022 was worth R207 478 at 28 Feb 2025
(9.05% annual return compounded monthly)
Please note that offshore fund performance figures are calculated from NAV prices (ie, equivalent to sell-to-sell) and therefore not directly comparable to domestic fund performance figures on this site.
Peter Little
Peter Little has a B Com degree and is a CFA charter holder. He has worked in the financial services industry for 18 years, on both the buy and sell side, in London for the first 8 years and New York for the next 8 years before moving to Anchor Capital in 2013. He has worked for a number of global investment banks, Including JP Morgan, RBS & Barclays Capital. Most recently Peter was at Credit Suisse Asset Management in New York where he was head of portfolio management for the systematic hedge funds.
Focus and Objective
The fund invests in equities, fixed-income securities, cash, real estate investment trusts (REITs) and eligible commodity indices. Primarily, the fund invests in countries with the most significant contribution to global GDP. The net equity exposure will typically be 20% to 30% (but never more than 40%) of net asset value (NAV). Listed real estate exposure will typically be 5% to 15% (but never more than 25%) of NAV. The remainder of the fund will typically be invested in fixed-income securities and cash. The fund may use financial derivative instruments (including futures and options) for investment or hedging purposes (but not to gain leverage). The fund has the ability to invest in other collective investment schemes and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). The fund's objective is to achieve maximum long-term returns with a diversification of risk.
Technical Overview
Benchmark: Developed market inflation* + 1.5% p.a.
Base currency: USD Pricing system: Forward
Formation date: 02 Mar 2015
Top holdings on 30 Sep 2021
Share (Sector) Value (USD) % of fund
S&P500INDICES (Alternative Investment Strategies) 2 298 440 7.40%
SMITP (Financial Services) 621 200 2.00%
LLOYDSBANK (Banks) 372 720 1.20%
CREDITSUISSE (Financial Services) 372 720 1.20%
BANKOFCHINA (Banks) 372 720 1.20%
SYNCHRONY (Financial Services) 372 720 1.20%
BOSTONSCIEN (Healthcare) 372 720 1.20%
TOTALS 4 783 240 15.40%

Site Last Updated: 10 March 2025
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