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Templeton BRIC Fund
Templeton BRIC Fund
Franklin Templeton Investment Funds
Templeton BRIC Fund
Regional Portfolio Structure(Semi-Annual Comparison)
Sectorial Portfolio Structure(Semi-Annual Comparison)
Sector: Global-Equity-Emerging Markets
Size: (USD) 369 490 000
Sector Rank: 6 out of 30
(lump sum over 3 years to 28 Feb 2025)
Overall Rank: 237 out of 486
(lump sum over 3 years to 28 Feb 2025)
R20000 invested on 28 Feb 2022 was worth R26 957 at 28 Feb 2025
(10.46% annual compound return)
R5000 per month since 28 Feb 2022 was worth R231 995 at 28 Feb 2025
(15.96% annual return compounded monthly)
Please note that offshore fund performance figures are calculated from NAV prices (ie, equivalent to sell-to-sell) and therefore not directly comparable to domestic fund performance figures on this site.
Dr Mark Mobius, PhD
Mark Mobius joined Franklin Templeton Investments in 1987 as president of the Templeton Emerging Markets Fund Inc in Hong Kong, with responsibility for all of Templeton's emerging markets activity. In this capacity, he directs the analysts based in Templeton's eleven emerging markets offices and manages the emerging markets portfolios. Dr Mobius has spent over thirty years working in Asia and other parts of the emerging markets world, and has extensive experience in economic research and analysis. Each year he spends over 200 days travelling from one emerging market to another in search of emerging market opportunities. Prior to joining Franklin Templeton Investments, from 1983 to 1986 he was president of International Investment Trust Company Ltd - Taiwan's first and largest investment management firm. He had served as a director at Vickers da Costa, an international securities firm. He started in that firm's Hong Kong office in 1980, and then moved to Taiwan in 1983 to open an office and to direct operations in India, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Korea. Before joining Vickers, Dr Mobius operated his own consulting firm in Hong Kong for ten years, and was a research scientist for Monsanto Overseas Enterprises Company in Hong Kong and the American Institute for Research in Korea and Thailand. Dr Mobius holds bachelor and master degrees from Boston University; and received his PhD in economics and political science in 1964 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He also studied at the University of Wisconsin, University of New Mexico, and Kyoto University in Japan.
Dennis Lim
Focus and Objective
The Fund's investment objective is to achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing in companies listed in Brazil, Russia, India and China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan) (BRIC), as well as in companies that derive a significant proportion of their revenues or profits from BRIC economies, or have a significant portion of their assets there.
Technical Overview
Benchmark: MSCI BRIC Index
Base currency: USD Formation date: 25 Oct 2005
Domicile Luxembourg Management fee (p.a.): 1.61%
Top holdings on 31 Dec 2024
Share (Sector) Value (USD) % of fund
TAIWANSEMICON (Technology) 37 429 337 10.13%
ICICIBANK (Banks) 28 968 016 7.84%
TENCENT (Cyclical Goods & Services) 25 938 198 7.02%
ALIBABA (Consumer Services) 21 578 216 5.84%
HDFCBANK (Banks) 18 363 653 4.97%
PROSUS (Software and Computer Services) 15 814 172 4.28%
BYD (Equities) 13 264 691 3.59%
PETROLEO (Equities) 11 417 241 3.09%
MEDIATEK (Media) 10 899 955 2.95%
HAIERSMARTHO (Goods & Services) 10 752 159 2.91%
TOTALS 194 425 638 52.62%

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