Executive Capital’s new Executive Remuneration Survey is a user-friendly, web-based service, providing detailed, reliable and up-to-date executive remuneration information for JSE listed companies.
The Executive Capital survey has been developed as a joint venture between Profile Media and P3 Group, and uses Calibr8 Management Technologies’ techniques as the basis for sizing of the companies in the Survey. The factors used in defining company size category include Market Capitalisation, Turnover, Complexity, and Strategic Freedom (the CEO’s level of freedom to act independently).
For many years P3 has been running an annual Executive Survey and consulting on executive pay trends and issues. ProfileData is a leading electronic data vendor of financial market information and for many years has been capturing into its databases all the relevant annual report information for all JSE listed companies. The Executive Capital Survey is a new joint venture by these two companies to combine their expertise and data, resulting in a definitive offering on executive remuneration.
To find out more about Executive Capital's services, visit www.executivecapital.co.za